Negotiation and consent from a different view. This class is taught by a little and from a little/bottoms perspective. Together we will explore consent and how we get/give it, how to make negotiations a part of our conversations and how do we practice negotiations to have fun, get what we need and want in a scene and stay safe while we play.
This class is open only to students of Vegas Toolbox, who have either attended in person classes or a Vegas Toolbox remote orientation.
How can I attend this class?
- You must have attended an Vegas Toolbox orientation (online or in person).
- If you’ve never been to a Vegas Toolbox orientation, you will need to register (attend an orientation) for classes.
- Our Next Orientation is June 8th. Please email to RSVP.
Been to a Vegas Toolbox Class?
- You will get the class login information the Wednesday before class as long as you have filled out the registration form.
- Please remember, only students who have been to an orientation can attend class.
- Click Here to RSVP to attend in person.
Class Rules
- Classes are not recorded (audio/visual/screenshots) for any reason
- We are a “camera on at all times” policy
- Only vetted students may attend class (see above about orientation)
- Please stay on mute during class unless directed otherwise
- Please observe all class protocols
Learn more about our presenter or classes by visiting our Vegas Toolbox Fetlife Page.
Presenter Bio: Little Miss Meyla, she/her, has been in the Las Vegas Kink community for over 7 years. She is the founder and leader of the Las Vegas Little Scouts, a graduating member of Journey 2018 and a graduating member of the inaugural Leather Quest class of Las Vegas, Class Maelstrom. On her journey to discover her leather self, she developed a passion for teaching others – especially those new to all things kinky, Leather and fun. Meyla identifies as a Leather Little and is a fierce advocate for positive change in the negative views the kink community may hold of Littles She also works to help provide a safe and inclusive community for all through education, advocacy, and friendship. She enjoys working with many other groups and individuals; showing just how much of a good girl she – and other littles – can be.