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July 8 – Service that actually serves US by Lee Harrington

Vegas Toolbox Class Lee Harrington Service
Are you sick of being asked to scrub the toilet as if your partner expects you to cum each time you do it for them? Does having your Submissive shave their balls three times a day actually help you live a full and fulfilling life? Let’s get down and dirty – talking about and working through exercises on establishing what service we really want, what we are able to give, and what drives us in service from all sides. Is it about effort, quality of outcome, detailed delivery, results, our resources expended… or getting hard/wet? Service is not just provided by Slaves and Submissive or Surrendering individuals – Masters, Mistresses, Mommies, Daddies, Boys, Girls, Lovers, and Friends will also get a chance to look at their desires and see what actually gets them what they actually desire.

This class is open only to students of Vegas Toolbox, who have either attended in person classes or a Vegas Toolbox remote orientation.

How can I attend this class? 

  • You must have attended an Vegas Toolbox orientation (online or in person).
  • If you’ve never been to a Vegas Toolbox orientation, you will need to register (attend an orientation) for classes.

Been to a Vegas Toolbox Class? 

  • You will get the class login information the Wednesday before class as long as you have filled out the registration form.
  • Please remember, only students who have been to an orientation can attend class.

Class Rules

  • Classes are not recorded (audio/visual/screenshots) for any reason
  • We are a “camera on at all times” policy
  • Only vetted students may attend class (see above about orientation)
  • Please stay on mute during class unless directed otherwise
  • Please observe all class protocols
  • Classes are subject to change



Learn more about our presenter or classes by visiting our Vegas Toolbox Fetlife Page.

Presenter Bio:

Lee (he/him) is a nice guy with an odd sense of humor who thinks you deserve a great sex life, and a great life in general. The life of your dreams. Yes you. He’s been traveling the globe, teaching about sexuality, kink, magic, desire, and more, and likes these topics and anything else that opens people up to their full potential quite a lot. Between classes, lectures, stage shows, podcasts, and writing plenty of books and articles, he likes to travel, take pictures, and laugh. He also collects interesting bandannas, tarot decks, and old keys. You’ll probably like him, or his inner unicorn, puppy, and bunny. Check out the trouble he has been getting into over at