Ravishing the virgin on a weekly basis: How to role-play and use characterization, costumes, and props to add an edge to your play. Using imagination and a few well-chosen props, the dungeon or the house can become someplace entirely different. Become a lord, a peasant, a gypsy, a torturer, a doctor, a patient, or something conceived out of your own joint imaginations. Get the juices flowing, and play at being someone or something completely different than your everyday lives.
Ravishing the virgin on a weekly basis: How to role-play and use characterization, costumes, and props to add an edge to your play. Using imagination and a few well-chosen props, the dungeon or the house can become someplace entirely different. Become a lord, a peasant, a gypsy, a torturer, a doctor, a patient, or something conceived out of your own joint imaginations. Get the juices flowing, and play at being someone or something completely different than your everyday lives.
Vegas Toolbox: Dungeons and Dragons without the Dragons 12/13