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August 12 – You Rang by Vixen

Vegas Toolbox presents Vixen teaching You Rang on August 12
Does it make you happy when you do something for your Significant Other? Do you enjoy the feeling when your Significant Other does something that you didn’t even mention? Do you want to do more for your person? In this class, you will learn what service is, as well as how you may receive along with giving service. We will cover a wide scope of different aspects of what service can look like, and what sort of actions and reactions help with service. This is a great class for anyone interested in service on either side of the slash. Both dynamics will be discussed thoroughly.

This class is open only to students of Vegas Toolbox, who have either attended in person classes or a Vegas Toolbox remote orientation.

How can I attend this class? 

  • You must have attended an Vegas Toolbox orientation (online or in person).
  • If you’ve never been to a Vegas Toolbox orientation, you will need to register (attend an orientation) for classes.

Been to a Vegas Toolbox Class? 

  • You will get the class login information the Wednesday before class as long as you have filled out the registration form.
  • Please remember, only students who have been to an orientation can attend class.

Class Rules

  • Classes are not recorded (audio/visual/screenshots) for any reason
  • We are a “camera on at all times” policy
  • Only vetted students may attend class (see above about orientation)
  • Please stay on mute during class unless directed otherwise
  • Please observe all class protocols
  • Classes are subject to change



Learn more about our presenter or classes by visiting our Vegas Toolbox Fetlife Page.

Presenter Bio:

Vixen (she/her) is a POC Exhibitionist Switch, Alpha Cat/kitten/Handler, Sadomasochist along with being neurodiverse. Her self-journey started 10 years ago in Colorado and has now expanded to Southern California. Along the way, she has found pleasure in teaching and helping the community. She is a Co-Founder of SoCal Creatures, an actively inclusive pet play community. She aids in the growth of the community by being the Education and Vendor Coordinator for Threshold Society. She also creates both impact toys and attire with her chainmail and scalemail small business, Malice Metals.

Instagram: @frozenamazon13
Twitter: @FrozenAmazon
FetLife: @AmazonianVixen